TEDx & other interesting stuff

w e t e n s c h a p | mensheid en t i j d | time, h u m a n arts and science

Farmer's Around the World | 'Managing land' |
amazinggrazing.eu/nl | 15m50s

Letting the animals move & graze | grazingamazing | 'Managing chaos' | amazinggrazing.eu/nl | 15m50s

We need to talk about male suicide | Steph Slack | TedX | 14m37s

To be for the people, it must be by the people | Étienne Chouard | subtitles English German etc. | TedX | 17m56s

Let's talk about Greta.... | Beau on Patreon | 4m13s

The economics of enough: Dan O'Neill at TEDxOxbridge | TedX | 12m51s

Dangers Of Internet & Media Addiction - 7m58s | Pursuit of Wonder

Dr. Gail Bradbrook | Strategy Ecology of Theories of Change | Extinction Rebellion | 40m30s

Gaan anti-radicaliseringsprogramma's hun doel voorbij? | VPRO Tegenlicht | 45m10s

TEDx & other interesting stuff - part 1
TEDx & other interesting stuff - part 3
TEDs & other interesting stuff - part 4
TEDs & other interesting stuff - part 5
TEDs & other interesting stuff - part 6
TEDs & other interesting stuff - part 7

Titles & Names
